November 22, 2014

Strained and Pained!

So I’ve been out of sorts lately. Well, I have had quite a time to contemplate actually. Let me tell you what happened some time during the first week of November. 

I am a late riser that’s a given and hardly can I be called a morning person but there are instances that I do rise earlier than usual. On the 6th of November, Thursday, was one of those rare times, I woke up early, to my mother’s surprise. Since I didn’t particularly felt sleepy anymore I decided to go to the kitchen and eventually ate a hearty breakfast with my family (trust me, this is a rare occurrence in our household). It was nice change actually, we laughed and bantered. Later, I organized some of my stuffs. Since I had no tutoring session and I had no other plans that day, I decided to nap.

At around 12 in the afternoon, I woke up disoriented, I was about to get up when BAM! This pain shot up from my hips. I fell back on my futon and let out a whimper. I thought I was dreaming, a rather realistic and painful dream for that matter. I gathered my wits and tried to get up again, but this pain took all my reasoning! To cut the chase, I eventually got out of my room, literally crawling my way out! Thank heavens for a sturdy banister that I used to support my weight whilst I went down to the kitchen.

October 22, 2014

A Reason to Celebrate

Hey there! Let me tell you about a joyous moment we celebrated of late. My older sister (ate) officially passed her Thesis subject, making her eligible for graduation! Whohooo! She can now cross off “obtain masters” in her bucket list. My parents and I couldn’t be any happier for her!

In retrospect, we all had to pitch in for her to finish her thesis if not financially, physically and mentally at least. It was no joke, I tell you! We had to go over pages and pages and compute for the result. Heck, my father even stayed up at 1 in the morning to finish his share. He never stayed that late, it was way past his bedtime! I guess, we all made certain concessions then. I mean, my mother was usually out and about with her church affairs but she refrained from doing so in order to help sis. Two of my cousins also put in hours checking their share of the questionnaire. I had to do without the late night TV that was as vital as any of this generation’s social life! But then again, my sister was the one who had to do without with many things.

October 17, 2014

A little break pls..!

And the ber-months have done it yet again!

Seriously, when these months come, I always feel dazed. Things happen so fast, I kinda feel hung-over. It's been so long since I wrote something, for a freelancer I couldn't spare time to write. Fortunately, sembreak is just around the corner! I can have a break from tutoring and just hang-out, literally :D 

Most of my relatives, don't understand why I prefer being freelance than being normally employed. Truth be told, I have no idea either! Though, I used to work for a company once and I had a stint with a foreign employer at one time too. I guess, I just wanna have control of my own time. . . Plus, I am planning to go back to school  by next year hopefully, so I'm sort of preparing myself now. :)

August 21, 2014

'Till We Meet Again Lola Luz!

I wasn't as lucky as others have full sets of grandparents, but I was fortunate enough to know one from each side, my paternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother. They both made an impact in my formative years and I have always been in awe with them. They both led a hard life but they made the best of it. Their respective spouses died long before I was born. My grandmother (lola) Luz was the only grandparent I had left after my paternal grandfather passed away in 2006. She lived in her hometown Liliw, Laguna with my maternal aunt, and sometimes with my maternal uncle in the ancestral house.

August 15, 2014

Hooray for Me! :)

I've recently revived my blog, if I remember correctly, I had one during college days. It had lots of posts then but I decided to put it down, I guess my heart wasn't in it at that time. So anyway, since I've got lots of free time now, I thought why not write again? Don't get me wrong, I'm not that much of a writer, but I have lots of words in my head that could either be written down or make me go crazy!

Just So You Know: Changes

"People change" is one of the tritest expression ever! And though it's a given, some changes are just heart breaking. The world has revolved in a faster pace. You cannot hold on to the things or the people, even if they were once a vital part of your life. Not all things of yesterday would remain significant today or even tomorrow for that matter. 

Though some rejoices in these changes, as they are for the better, some are not so keen on embracing them. Think, alcoholic to alcoholic-free or you girlfriend crying no more over a douche. I had my fair share of good changes and had a hell of a time with the bad ones. The good thing about all these was that I got to learn and grew up, even if just a little bit. You see, change is a vital part of life. We cannot continue to stay in the same place, like a flower you need to be exposed to the elements and go through a process for you to bloom.

I guess it all comes down to one's ability to adapt. Life itself does not happen for the sole purpose of being spent. I mean, you don't really do the same thing twice, right? There would always be something that would make it different. Life is meant to be lived in a daily basis when each moment counts. Life is a learning venue, whereas we discover, we realize, we grow. Change is inevitable but there's no need to force it. Everything will just fall into place, you'll see.

August 7, 2014


I know oftentimes you resent me,
For I’ve given you cause to despair.
Remember always that we are sisters,
Despite our differences, we have a lot to share.

I’ve valued your laugh and smiles,
Even if it was at my expense
So when you’re hurt or when you cry
It leaves me feeling blue and deprived.

I know of your dreams and aspirations,
Believe me, I’m cheering you on.
But at one point or another,
I know, you thought I’m a dead weight put on.

I never thought I’m as courageous as you,
Hence, I preferred to be behind,
I guess, I didn’t think things through,
As you’re inadvertently left with all the vile

Please know that I understand,
All things considered, a lot went out of hand.
I know I have to exert more effort, as you need to see I’ve changed.
No longer will you have to endure the pain.

Clueless but Happy

The path that lies ahead is still unknown,
Yet there is a thrill creeping up my bones.
I never got a glimpse on what there may be,
Because I was preoccupied with things to see...

I was not the best in class or in my family,
but I was assured of my worth because of that good old priest's homily.
I have my moments of glory and my failure.
No matter what they say I'll be as strong as a sailor.

I'll learn as much as I can and put them in good use,
I’ll share my knowledge and maybe be someone's muse.
I may not be the best thing that happened to someone’s life,
but I know in my heart I could give it a try!

I may still be unaware of what lies ahead of me,
what matters most is that I grow the best I can be.
And it’s an earnest hope that others will find life as exciting as I do,
and maybe there’ll come a time I could enjoy it with you!

July 25, 2014

Untitled No. 1

Fragile woman no more,
Skin bore mistakes and all.
Mad, sad, bitter and bare,
No filter for a beauty, you'll surely stare.

The years of her life were nothing but strife,
She never gave up even in respite.
Oh, how strong this woman truly is.
She carried everything whilst others are in utter bliss!

May 14, 2014


The time has come for you to bear the weight,
Do not succumb to temptations and keep your path straight!
The real world is not as welcoming as you may have thought,
It's fast-paced, just don't let yourself get caught!

May I remind you, not to dwell in failures and regret,
Rather, always remember the lessons they beget.
You might say I'm such a know-it-all,
But oh, boy, I've had my fair share of falls!

Believe in God's time and His plans for you,
There's a reason for everything, that is so true!
Make each day an opportunity to learn,
Be a man of God and not of the world.

My dearest brother, believe me when I say,
I'm proud of you, there's no other way.
It's just that you try my patience when I call,
But it doesn't mean I don't love you at all!