November 22, 2014

Strained and Pained!

So I’ve been out of sorts lately. Well, I have had quite a time to contemplate actually. Let me tell you what happened some time during the first week of November. 

I am a late riser that’s a given and hardly can I be called a morning person but there are instances that I do rise earlier than usual. On the 6th of November, Thursday, was one of those rare times, I woke up early, to my mother’s surprise. Since I didn’t particularly felt sleepy anymore I decided to go to the kitchen and eventually ate a hearty breakfast with my family (trust me, this is a rare occurrence in our household). It was nice change actually, we laughed and bantered. Later, I organized some of my stuffs. Since I had no tutoring session and I had no other plans that day, I decided to nap.

At around 12 in the afternoon, I woke up disoriented, I was about to get up when BAM! This pain shot up from my hips. I fell back on my futon and let out a whimper. I thought I was dreaming, a rather realistic and painful dream for that matter. I gathered my wits and tried to get up again, but this pain took all my reasoning! To cut the chase, I eventually got out of my room, literally crawling my way out! Thank heavens for a sturdy banister that I used to support my weight whilst I went down to the kitchen.