April 30, 2016

Click at Your Own Risk!

I had no plan whatsoever to spend soo much time in the computer today as I have written two posts just this morning already. I don't have a quota per se but I do try to write once in a while. However, as I was looking through my emails and as the usual, I had too many tabs open. I wasn't really paying much attention so I managed to have my account suspended! Now, I've been trying to recover the data and everything I can, at the very least, minimize the negative effect. Oh, and did I mention my blog would be greatly affected by this too?

So, yeah, I was literally screaming my head off earlier. Took a couple of minutes to calm down and read the fine print, I am soo effin' stupid! And I'm still seriously annoyed with myself! I could just imagine myself screaming at my inner goddess, haha. The scenario would have been very funny but I can't really laugh too much right now. As I understand, I can still recover the account but it would take too long and I have to pay a certain amount. Even if I could afford it though, I'm not too keen on the idea that I also have to send them a copy of my ID to validate my age, etc...

Whatever, I'll just try to save what I can. Hope nothing too depressing would be forthcoming though. And if there would be such, please, give some time to brace myself! #StupidityMayBeContagious #BeWary!

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