December 31, 2015

A Letter to Myself

Hey you!

It's just a few hours away from 2015 drawing to a close and a new year will unfold. This year has been eventful, don't you agree? You went through a lot of drama and faced all the things you shied away before. But I bet you learned a lot and figured who are the people you can count on, no? I am not encouraging you to remember the feelings but I do encourage you to look back on this year's life lessons. They would serve you well.

With that in mind, may I suggest you don't just list down your plans and whatever it is you want to achieve, 'kay? Rather, do them all, time waits for no one, and you are NO freaking exception! You should know that by now. Don't get me wrong, I know you tried, and failed. ... And had a hard time picking up the pieces but what's important is that you learn and get back again. Don't mind what other people say, fuck them all! It's your life, it's your call! You're not doing anything illegal or anything morally wrong, just to clear things up! 
Do remember that you are not the only one who suffers and it's not over till it's over (excuse the cliche)! Count your blessings, you are still blessed, your bowl may not be overflowing but you have enough to take care of your hunger. Things may continue to be difficult, but don't despair, always remember that success is much sweeter when you've worked hard for it.  Pray, pray and pray! Never forget, okay?! Regardless of what you may be feeling at that certain time of the day, you are alive and have much to be grateful for! Pray for others too, as the cosmos would not be as it is without others' existence. Every life counts!

Move forward; leave all your regrets and resentments behind. You are on borrowed time, so make sure that each moment count. You've dwindled and procrastinated a lot in the past, it's about time to be productive and develop your fullest potential. Share your knowledge, share your bread, share the love! SHARE! Some people were malevolent to you, forgive them! They cannot help themselves, just be the better person. And if you can impart knowledge, do so. Be a blessing to someone else because you've received a couple of your own, right? 

Always remember, you are loved, so don't be too hard on yourself. Make this coming year, one of the best years of your life!


A hopeful me in 2016

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