I knew I wouldn't notice how the days would go by when the ber-months hit. And quite frankly, its hard to find anything interesting, but that's just me. I mean the whole world is still bustling with ideas and all, some are grand and commendable whilst others are just... Also, there's still war, famine, hate, political issues and all that sh*t; and as much as I'd like to stay up to date with what's going on, when news and everything else you read and see are negative, it's really difficult to stay optimistic, most especially if you weren't an optimist in the first place.

It doesn't mean that those things no longer matter they do but would my thinking about them make a difference? I may just be rambling complete nonsense or take it as an attempt to be philosophical, but really I don't want to spend time and effort in such. Am I disillusioned? Maybe or I've finally grown up. Chos!